Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Destination Unknown

This one is in reply to Samir's post.

Driven By Dissatisfaction

You remember what they taught in Economics in school right? Demand always exceeds supply. Human want is endless etc etc. Everyone is driven by dissatisfaction. One thing that I have realized is that everyone wants acceptance. Everyone wants to be recognized for what they do. Everyone wants to be somewhere they belong. (Why do you think the song of the same name by Linkin' Park is so popular) If anyone tells you otherwise, they're either lying or they are deluded. In case it's the second, please refer them to an Introduction to Reality course. They can take the course anywhere they want, it's called Life.

Back to the topic at hand. The need to belong somewhere, whether it is some place to call home or gain acceptance into a community, it's all the same. Driven by dissatisfaction? I guess, to an extent... So what are you looking for? Happiness? Define it! What you call a moment of happiness or an emotion you would describe as elation or exuberance may not be similar for someone else. It's back to the whole 'One man's meat...' thing again. What remains similar here is the motive and the goal. People slaughter animals mercilessly to appease their 'Gods'. Others pose in skimpy clothes inside cages to fight for the animals' cause. Both attain their happiness here. Both gain their acceptance. Whether it is from their so called deities or from their peers.

The whole point behind this is simple. I'm not stopping you from having your own driving force. But some people spend their entire lifetime looking for acceptance, looking for one word of praise. My advice? Not resting on your laurels is admirable, but then stop and acknowledge whatever accolades that you may collect on the way. Consider it to be the shot of nitrous oxide that gives the necessary thrust to reach higher. What say you?


Anonymous said...

Yes man... I was seriously thanking "Mr. Kumar" for his compliment! But what I was pissed by was that he neither has satisfaction nor modesty. He might ve got his accolades and I am getting mine. But the humility was lacking in him... Thats coz he got too engrossed in appreciating all that he had got & now all he can do is either crib or appreciate others. I have chosen to blog to show off too, but its only for myself. People are free to read or not read. Anyways, the post isnt anti-him... its also a ranting to the people who do need to be told to attend the course on Real Life. Thanx for the reply! :)

AlterinG Abhishek said...

"But some people spend their entire lifetime looking for acceptance, looking for one word of praise. My advice? Not resting on your laurels is admirable, but then stop and acknowledge whatever accolades that you may collect on the way."
so tru!!!

Ashutosh said...

Your posts leaves a food for thought.A Gud One!!Keep it up!!

Sumit said...

@ashutosh and abhishek: Thanks! Will keep up the good work.